Social Services

The Way In Older Adult Services (Outreach)


Being part of the β€œWay In” network, we provide information for older Chinese adults and help them access services that enhance their quality of life.  In response to client needs, a duty officer is in place daily to provide immediate attention and follow up services regarding senior requests. 

Whether you need to fill out a form or deal with a difficult situation, we are here to help. 

Our services include:

  • Information and referrals
  • Assistance with forms for social benefits
  • Arrangement of transportation
  • Case assessment and case management
  • Accompanying and interpretation as needed
  • Home and hospital visitation
  • Supportive counseling
  • Elder abuse intervention and support
  • Commissioner for oaths and certified true copy
  • Centre and Community support group


Free services are provided in Cantonese, Mandarin, and English.

To book an appointment, please call (403) 457-6609.

Adult Day Program (ADP)



Our adult day program aims:

  • To enhance the physical and mental health of older adults with special needs through planned programs
  • To reduce social isolation and enhance social engagement within the community
  • To provide respite and support for the caregivers

Admission criteria:

  • Clients must be members of CCECA and over the age of 50
  • Clients who are frail/chronically disabled/in loss of autonomy/have slight dementia
  • Clients must live in the community, and they are independent in activities of daily living


  • $15.00 per day (including lunch and cost of some program supplies)
  • CCECA annual membership fee $20.00
  • Additional charge for special events

Hours of Operation:
Once a week

Wellness Program:
Monday, Thursday, Friday:  9:10 am - 3:10 pm

Dementia Program:
Wednesday, Saturday:  9:10 am - 3:10 pm

Virtual Program:
Tuesday: 10:30 am – 11:30 am, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Service highlights:

  • Recreational activities include gentle fitness exercises, interest groups, art, music, cognitive stimulation activities, festival & birthday celebrations, outing activities, and special events (additional charges)
  • Health monitoring and education
  • Caregiver support
  • Community resources and service referrals
  • Nutritional hot meals, drinks, and fresh fruit

Chinese Community Helpers Program (CCHP)



This project, is collaboration with the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), is a peer support program to reduce social isolation, promote wellness and increase social inclusion among Chinese Older Adults. 



  • Increase peer support and positive social ties
  • Bring between the formal and informal support
  • Strengthen resilience in the Chinese community 

Target groups
Chinese older adults 65 and older
Independent in daily living activities
Expressing feelings of isolation and loneliness
Lack of social support, such as living alone or low income
Experiencing distress during life transitions such as bereavement or illness

Trained volunteers will provide one-to-one peer support service through home visits, friendly calls and group work. The program will include the following activities:

  • Providing emotional support
  • Promoting self-care and wellness practices
  • Assisting in problem solving
  • Fostering healthy peer relationships
  • Accompanying or connecting to community activities
  • Referring or connecting to community resources
  • Joining online or in person group activities

Volunteer Handy Person Program (VHPP)


The project will provide free home repair and maintenance services to senior homeowners through the trained volunteer handyperson program.


This project is to provide free minor home repair and maintenance tasks to Chinese homeowner older adults by trained volunteer handy persons.


  • To help Chinese older adults to stay in their homes as long as possible

  • To improve home environment and avoid occurrence of home accidents

  • To improve their quality of life

Application criteria: 

  • Canadian citizen / permanent resident

  • Chinese homeowner aged 65 and over

  • Applicant living with or renting from family members are not eligible (except spouse)

  • Meet the income thresholds of Special Needs Assistance (SNA) for Seniors

  • All applicants need initial assessment to receive service


Repair materials cost and transportation fee ONLY.

Service Content:

  • Minor indoor / outdoor repair tasks (i.e. plumbing, carpentry and painting)

  • Refer to the Calgary Fire Department for installation of smoke detector and CO detector

  • Home safety assessment, personal emergency response and home safety knowledge

  • Types of services depend on skills and capacity of our volunteer handy persons and risks of the task

Escorted Transportation Services (ETS)


1. To provide transportation for Chinese seniors to access basic needs and to reduce isolation
2. To engage volunteers who enjoy serving the community 

Chinese older adults with language barriers and difficulties in integrating with mainstream society

- Age +60
- Capable of getting on/off transportation
- Priority will be given to those who lack social support, such as those living alone, in low-income families, or limited mobility
- Low Income Cut-Off (LICO) Table

Marital status Total household annual income
Single senior $24,885 or less
Senior couple $39,345 or less


Program highlights:
- Volunteers provide free interpretation services
- Volunteers provide affordable transportation services for Chinese seniors to get to their medical appointments, as well as provide affordable grocery and medication delivery services to Chinese seniors with mobility difficulties. 


Contact information:
For registration or more details, please contact Mr. Tim Au at 403 269 6122 / 825 561 8238.

Palliative & End of Life Care Project (PEOLC)

End of life

This project is to enhance the quality of life and well-being of Chinese older adults and their caregivers through promoting palliative and end-of-life care (PEOLC), connecting community resources, and providing case support services.


  • Increase early access and awareness about Palliative and End-of-life care for the Chinese community.
  • Enhance quality of life, wellness, and comfort care for Chinese older adults with a life-limiting illness and bereavement. 
  • Build a greater capacity of volunteers and caregivers to offer a high-quality caregiver support program and grief support services.

Target groups:

  • Aged 65 or above, Chinese older adults who have or are experiencing life-limiting illnesses and/or bereavement
  • Caregivers of the above mentioned Chinese older adults.
  • Person interested in receiving preparation for PEOLC

Staff and trained volunteers will provide palliative and end-of-life services to Chinese older adults and their caregivers through educational workshops, group work, one-on-one casework.

The program will include the following activities:

  • Life and Death educational workshops
  • Educational workshops on legal and funeral services
  • Cemetery/graveyard visitation
  • One-on-one palliative care preparedness services
  • Referrals to related community resources
  • Caregivers support groups
  • Support group for older adults who experience bereavement and/or life-limiting illness
  • One-on-one case support (grief) to older adult and caregivers
  • Attend volunteer supported meetings

Join us as a volunteer (Volunteer opportunity)

  • Through an interview and screening
  • Complete a 12-hour training program including topics such as life and death education, PEOLC, grief and loss, stress management, helping skills, mental health wellness, mindfulness, etc
  • Provide volunteer companion services for Chinese older adults or caregivers for at least two times per month for 6 months
  • Attend volunteer support meetings and refresher courses

Contact information:
For registration or more details, please contact Ms. Kit Sum O'reilly at 403 269 6122.