Our Achievement

Highlight of Achievements (A complete list of programs and services is provided in section B)

  1. Increased funding by 586% from 2001 ($193,660) to 2022 ($1,328,138)
  2. Increased number of staff by 400% from 1994 (5.6 full-time equivalents) to 2023 (30 full-time equivalents)
  3. Exceptional funder and client satisfaction
    • All of CCECA’s programs have always attained all and even surpassed many, of the stipulated output and outcome targets specified in the funding contracts.
    • Feedback from funders (regarding agency visits, project reports, program activities monitoring, etc.) has always been extremely positive.  For example, Carolyn Ganes, FCSS Partnership Specialist, wrote in her email dated March 29, 2021: 
      • I want to commend you for doing such a great job with getting surveys administered despite all the challenges, all three of your programs have showed significant positive change.
    • Achieved exceptional client satisfaction rates (90-99%) for all programs on a consistent basis.      
  4. Innovative/Efficacious program philosophy, strategy and program model
    • Examples:
    1. Outreach Services
      • Most effective long-term program for clients to achieve socioeconomic stability
      • Part of the publicly recognized and professional Way In Network that provides support to all seniors in Calgary; CCECA is the designated agency with trained social workers to serve Chinese-speaking older adults.
    2. Community Support Groups
      • CCECA initiated this one-of-its-kind peer support group in different neighborhoods to provide social and recreational opportunities as well as a neighborhood support system. 
    3. Onsite Screening Mammogram Service
      • The only first language mammogram service offered onsite at a senior centre, providing education and screening to save lives through early detection.
    4. Chinese Adult Day Support Program
      • First Chinese adult day program in Calgary.  Passionate staff and volunteers provide meaningful activities and delicious meals for seniors with special needs.
    5. Chinese Living Well Program
      • The only Chinese chronic disease management program in Calgary that provides workshops, one-on-one counseling and exercise programs to Chinese people with chronic diseases.  Chinese seniors can manage their health conditions with help from Chinese-speaking health professionals from Alberta Health Services.
    6. Chopsticks on Wheels
      • Created in partnership with Meals on Wheels, this innovative meal delivery program caters to Chinese seniors, enabling them to enjoy affordable and nutritious meals in the comfort of their homes.
    7. Low Income Seniors’ Home Safety Assessment
      • Created in collaboration with The City of Calgary, this initiative is the first of its kind in Calgary, with trained volunteers providing home safety assessments to enhance the safety and well-being of low income seniors.
    8. Volunteer Handy Person Project
      • CCECA is proud to be the sole agency in Calgary to offer free minor home repair services to low income Chinese senior homeowners. Volunteer training is provided by The City of Calgary.  
    9. CARERS (Coaching, Advocating, Respite, Education, Relationship, Simulation) Program
      • This evidence-based program provided a 10-week training for family caregivers of dementia patients.  This program has earned 100% client satisfaction and CCECA is proud to be the only provider of the program in Calgary.
    10. Project Inspire
      • CCECA is the first agency to pilot this project, which brings together seniors and youths from different cultural backgrounds to discuss aging well through engaging in creative art activities.  This intercultural and intergenerational initiative enhances mutual understanding and appreciation between the different groups, hence contributing to the building of more harmonious relationships in the family and community.
    11. Chinese Community Helper Program
      • This peer support program for isolated seniors has proven highly effective.  It provides both informal support through volunteers and formal support through program staff.  It started as a pilot project and became an ongoing program due to the excellent outcomes achieved.
    12. Seniors Centre Without Walls Program
      • CCECA is the first agency in Calgary, and possibly the only Chinese agency in Canada, to offer this type of phone program to serve seniors who cannot come to the centre in person and do not have the capacity to access online programs.  This initiative has enabled many isolated seniors to stay connected during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    13. Escorted Transportation Program
      • CCECA is one of the only two free escorted transportation providers in Calgary to drive seniors to doctor appointments and we also provide medical interpretation.
    14. Palliative and End of Life Care Program (PEOLC)
      • CCECA is one of the two Chinese agencies to pilot this project, aimed at promoting awareness of PEOLC services and providing relevant support to individuals and families in the Chinese community.  Other services include one-on-one palliative care preparedness and grief support, as well as support groups for caregivers.         


  5. Taking leadership role in responding to emerging community needs and emergencies
    Serving Chinese and immigrant populations 
    1. Caregiving Program for the Chinese Community is a one-of-its-kind program which trains a group of Chinese caregivers to provide personal care to Chinese seniors.  This program provides opportunity for new immigrants to get into the caregiving market.
    2. Emotional Health Carnival (EHC) - Being the pioneer in the promotion of emotional health in the Chinese community, CCECA spearheaded the EHC in 2002, with support from 13 other agencies.  In light of its tremendous success, the EHC has become an annual event in Calgary’s Chinese community.
    3. CCECA produced the first Elder Abuse Skit for Calgary’s Chinese community to raise awareness of elder abuse and to encourage seniors to seek help.  Following its success, a second skit and two DVDs have been produced.
    4. “Hidden in the Cultural Fabric: Elder Abuse and Neglect in the Ethno-cultural Communities in Alberta” - CCECA spearheaded this project and produced a “Say No to Elder Abuse” booklet in six languages to raise awareness of elder abuse in various ethno-cultural communities, with support from four provincial partners.
    5. CCECA serves as the lead in a collaborative initiative, “Chinese Community Response to Family Violence”, to provide education on family violence and to support Chinese victims in taking action against family violence.  This important initiative has saved lives and created a far-reaching positive impact on many families in the Chinese community.
    6. In 2009, CCECA established the Immigrant Seniors Advocacy Committee (ISAC) in collaboration with 10 agencies to advocate on issues affecting immigrant seniors and to encourage immigrant seniors to voice out their concerns.  To this day, ISAC has remained a major advocate for immigrant seniors in Calgary.
    7. CCECA is working closely with Chinese stakeholders on Chinatown’s land redevelopment, cultural plan and local area plan, with the goal of enhancing the vibrancy and prosperity of Calgary’s Chinatown and maintaining it as a major tourist attraction.  


  6. Providing timely emergency assistance to communities
    1. Serving Chinese seniors during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020) - CCECA arranged escorted transportation for Chinese seniors to go get vaccinations and organized grocery delivery for isolated seniors to keep them safe.
    2. Serving wildfire evacuees (2016) - CCECA provided emotional support to wildfire evacuees from Fort McMurray/Wood Buffalo.
    3. Serving flood victims (2013) - CCECA assisted with relocating Chinatown seniors to a lodge and provided re-entry services (carrying luggage, conducting home safety checks, in-home clean-up, meal delivery, etc.) when the seniors were allowed to go back home.  As a member of The City of Calgary’s Emotional Wellness Response Team, CCECA also deployed staff to support Chinese evacuees at the flood reception centre. 
  7. Strong community presence and agency profile
    1. CCECA has established a strong agency profile and successful branding through extensive horizontal and vertical collaborations at the neighborhood level.
    2. CCECA actively participates in high-level committees involving the provincial and/or municipal government and is being recognized as the “go-to” agency on issues affecting immigrant seniors.
    3. CCECA takes a leadership role in advocacy efforts, influencing systems, policies and public attitudes (e.g. in the areas of elder abuse, housing, discounted transit pass for seniors, face-to-face medical interpretation service, Chinatown redevelopment, etc.)

Overview of CCECA Programs and Services

Created over 30 different kinds of new programs and services in past 35 years:

1985 - CCECA was founded with 124 members - First issue of Seniors’ Garden newsletter was published in the Edmonton News, the communication tool between the association and  seniors

1986 - Longevity Group was established to assist in funeral arrangement and collect condolence money to pay for the funeral

1987 - Chinese Community Outreach for seniors was established for those who could not make it to Chinatown

1988 - In collaboration with the Meals on Wheels, a Chinese meal delivery services was established to deliver hot Chinese meals to residents in Chinatown

1990 - A committee was formed to build a Calgary Chinatown Seniors’ Centre.  It was incorporated as the Foundation for the Establishment of an Elderly Citizens’ Sports/Recreation Complex

1991 - The Public Health Clinic began to give flu shots to the seniors

1994 - Community Volunteer Income Tax Program provides free personal income   tax service for low income seniors

1996 - Wellness Centre (every Friday, by volunteer nurses); Community Support Groups - A self-financed Senior Centre was built strategically in the heart of Calgary’s Chinatown - Community support groups, as part of the outreach services were established in different neighbourhoods to provide social network opportunities

1997 - Screening Mammogram (onsite at CCECA); first Chinese diabetes workshops and pre-natal classes (AHS)

1998 - Steady As You Go was a fall prevention program that included lectures, group discussion, self assessment and exercise

1999 - First Chinese Adult Day Program (one or two days’ program for seniors with special needs)

2002 - Caregiving Program for the Chinese Community; Chopsticks on Wheels; Emotional Health Carnival; site for Community Access Project (CAP)

2003 - Volunteer Visiting Respite Program

2004 - Chinese Living Well Program (AHS) – Chronic disease management

2005 - Volunteer Visiting Program for Seniors - Elder Abuse Skit and DVD (2 skits and 2 DVDs)

2007 - Low Income Seniors’ Home Safety Assessment

2009 - Chinese Community Response to Family Violence; Civic Engagement Group; Immigrant Senior Advocacy Committee

2010 - Hidden in the Cultural Fabric: Elder Abuse and Neglect in the Ethno-Cultural Communities in Alberta

2012 - CARERS Program – Training for family caregivers, in partnership with Reitman Centre, Toronto

2013 - Flooding support services – Deployment to reception centres and re-entry services for seniors

2014 - Emergency Preparedness workshops for Chinatown residents 

2015 - Organise First Walkathon to raise fund and promote healthy living for seniors

2016 Chinese Community Helper Program; Chinese counseling services

2017 - Project Inspire; Intergenerational Arts Project; Establishment of on-site fitness room and seniors’ fitness programs and events 2019 Volunteer Handy Person Project – Minor home repairs for low income senior homeowners

2020 Senior Neighbourhood Network (Chinatown and Panorama); Elder Abuse radio skits; Positive Living; Active Ageing radio program; Senior Centre Without Walls; Emotional Support Line; food and grocery delivery; Virtual Program

2021 “Community Lens” radio program; Mindfulness workshop

2022 Escorted Transportation Program, Palliative and End of Life Care Program