Event Highlights

Volunteer Banquet 2023

The Volunteer Recognition Dinner on October 13th was truly an unforgettable evening. With the participation of our volunteers, the event was filled with joy and gratitude, resonating with laughter throughout. It is through the selfless dedication of our volunteers that the Elderly Association continues to thrive, benefiting the Chinese elderly and the community at large. We were honored to have Volunteer Development Consultant Roman share his valuable experience and insights, providing us with a valuable learning opportunity. As we celebrate the 30th anniversary of our Volunteer Development program, let us look to the future and continue to achieve new milestones.

We also presented awards to some outstanding volunteers, including the "2022 Highest Volunteer Service Hours Award" and the "10, 20, and 25 Years Long Service Awards," recognizing their exceptional contributions in various fields.

Congratulations to the award-winning volunteers. Their commitment and dedication are truly impressive.

2022 Highest Volunteer Service Hours Award Winners

1st Place: April Wong, 393.5 hours 2nd Place: Janet Tong, 368 hours 3rd Place: Wen Keru, 308.5 hours (The following rankings are not in any particular order)

10 Years Long Service Award: Xiao Xina Hua, Yu Yongjiu, Mo Xiaolan, Huang Bingjun, Hu Jiafeng, He Hanquan, Chai Lianying, Li Meifang, Ruan Yantao

20 Years Long Service Award: Guo Yuning, Huang Qiwei, Guo Hua, Wu Jinfeng, Zhuo Huan, Gao Baoxin

25 Years Long Service Award: Yang Xiaorong, Huang Liyi, Lin Limeiling, Yao Lin, Liu Baojuan

Once again, we thank every volunteer who attended the Recognition Dinner. Your support and participation made this event truly special. We look forward to continuing our efforts together in creating more positive change and bringing more wonderful moments to the community.

Silk Hair Singing Competition 09-29-2023

耆英會主辦 - 2023銀髮好聲音賀中秋之卡拉OK歌唱大賽,已於9月29日完滿結束。

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本次活動讓長者能夠充分展現他們的歌唱才華。評審們經過嚴格評分,最終選出了各獎項的優勝者。整個活動現場充滿了歡笑與掌聲,大家一起歡度了一個難忘的中秋佳節。 衷心感謝大賽總監兼評委李衛賢,評委林俊傑、馮倩、王培莉、鄧香英的大力支持,感謝各位參賽者的踴躍報名,當然還要感謝各位耆英會會員的積極參與!


2023銀髮好聲音 冠軍 Jackie Ip

2023銀髮好聲音 亞軍 Peter Sze

2023銀髮好聲音 季軍 韓玉枝

2023銀髮好聲音 最具潛質獎 曾影燕

2023銀髮好聲音 最受觀眾歡迎獎 Peter Sze

2023 National Seniors Day 10-01-2023

The Calgary Chinese Seniors' Association is delighted to collaborate with Immigrant Services Calgary in celebrating "National Seniors Day" on October 1st! On that day, more than a hundred seniors from various ethnic backgrounds came together to participate in cultural exchange performances and activities, sharing a wonderful time together.  





#CommunityEvent #CelebratingSeniors 
#NationalSeniorsDay  #耆英會 
Immigrant Services Calgary #CCECA 