Member Online Membership Application Form 卡城華人耆英會會員申請表


Membership Duration: January 1 – December 31

New Member Sign Up (成為新會員/續會)

Welcome! Please sign up for a new membership

(歡迎! 請新註冊 或 再續會員籍 )

CCECA Membership 耆英會會籍 *
Total Amount
Membership Application Form
本人明確了解參與由卡城華人耆英會及其代理人、義工、職員提供的活動、義工服務及旅遊服務之風險是由 本人個人承擔,由此導致或與之相關的任何身體及物資損失,損壞,受傷,死亡或財物損失,耆英會及其代 理人、義工、職員概不負責。 I am aware that it is a condition of participation in any program, volunteer service or travel provided on behalf of The Calgary Chinese Elderly Citizens’ Association (CCECA), its agents, volunteers, and employees that the participant does so at their own risk. CCECA, its agents, volunteers or employees are not liable for any physical or material loss, damage, injury, loss of life or cost resulting from, or in connection with such participation.
本人同意卡城華人耆英會就課程、活動、項目及耆英會服務相關之事宜聯絡本人。 I understand that CCECA will contact me for classes, events, programs and other purposes related to services provided by the centre.
本人同意凡參加卡城華人耆英會活動所拍攝之個人照片和影像歸耆英會所有,可作耆英會服務宣傳之用。 I agree that photos and videos taken of me during participation in any activity provided by CCECA are properties of CCECA and may be used for promotional purposes.
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address